[Pixelo walkthrough] Badges!
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Hi Pixelors!
Sorry for late posting. These days everything is new to me. So, It really difficult to come to my senses.
(What.. the?)
Being one man developer is totally challenging.
Because my major was not programming (I was majored in engineering) And, I worked in purchase department for a year. and I worked as a private banker for 2 years.
(something is wrong...)
(damn...I screwed my career. D:)
I started programming as a hobby. And now, It is my dream.
Actually, I don't know How long I can develop games. Because of Money... money...
But I'm really happy that people are enjoying my game. It's really rewarding.
Thank you guys.
I'll do this things for as long as i can. : )
And I'll give you back this love by major update! (I'm planning to add new features.)
Alright! Let's talk about badges!
Pixelo has over 100 badges and Prizes. It was a tons of work.
The only purpose of this system is to spice puzzle game up.
Generally, puzzle game does not have any motivation except solving puzzle.
So, I want to implement RPG element here.
(Hmmm... Donu... no! Badges...)
Badges could be my weapon and Prizes could be my passive skills for RPG game.
It's easy for understanding metaphor. right?
But it's only puzzle game. There is not much rooms for giving you a variety weapon.
So, When I design badge and Prize system. I thought...
(Yes, That's perfect!! I can do it!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha)
But when I ran out of idea.
(nah, Who cares...)
So, Badges are result of deep, deep consideration. Even some badges effect are stupid. But, thinking out that effect was killing me. So, don't take it seriously badges are for fun!
1. Unlock condition
First, You got to know unlock condition to get badges that you like.
There are 7 type of unlock style.
a) Level
b) Difficulty
c) First
d) Category
e) Statistics
f) Special Util (shop)
g) Hidden
a. Level
It's basic Badges. You can unlock this one by reaching Level.
0,3,5,8 Level give you unlocking badges and effect goes up by +2%.
b. Difficulty
These badges are master badge. When you cleared all certain difficulty levels you can get. It give you Gold and Xp effect.
c. First
These badges are unlocked when you do something first.
It's not a good effect. But, OK for early phase.
d. category
Every pixelo is classified by category. Many players wonder which is which category.
I can't tell you all of them. Because I classified those things personal standard and To make more badges, some of 'em does not make sense. (some player get mad because of this. Sorry for this.) guessing by name is the best way. Share the information with your friend. :)
e. Statistics
Some badges can be unlock by statistics. But if you are doing something repeatedly to unlock these badges that will be really tiresome. So, I recommend that don't do this thing on purpose.
f. Specail util
You can unlock this one by buying special util in shop menu.
G. Secret
These badges are literally secret. I can't tell you the unlock condition.
Find everywhere! :)
2. Effect
There are basic rule for badge effect.
Most of badges effects on result XP and GOLD. Both are composed of 4 element.
total XP = Result (based on time) + Perfect + Bonus (result * %) + Special
total G = Result (based on time) + Perfect + Bonus (result * %) + Special
a) Result
b) Perfect
c) bonus
d) special
a+b. Result and Perfect
Badges does not effect this element. It's only matter of your skill.
If you play same level, you get much lower Result and Perfect score. (about 1/6)
c. bonus
It is +% badge effect.
So these badge effect bonus.
※ If badge has certain condition, it doesn't work solved level. (e.g Zoo keeper and Junk collector... Blue line)
※ Builder and Happy pill badges effect only bonus XP and GOLD.
So, This kind of combination is working.
Can you believe this? +510% XP?
510% = Zoo keeper (+300%) * Builder(300%*1.7=510%)
You can make your own badge combination like this.
d. Special
Rest of badges effect on Special bonus.
※ If badge has certain condition, it doesn't work solved level. (Blue lines.)
3. Special effect badges
Many people ask me that what the PlantsMan badge is.
I know its description is terrible. But there is no way to explain this one in limited space.
After wearing this badge you can be a plantsman really.
If you wear this badge, go to title screen.
Shoot? See?
This cute thing will grow and give you gold... Can you Believe?
If you spend much time wearing the badge, You can see the Tree!
And can you see the fallen leaf? This will be your money.
By clicking!
This leaf gives you around 200~800G per click.
Looks stupid? I know. But, Who would expect this kind of things in puzzle game. I bet my balls no one would expect.
(The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey)
Anyway, I spent a lot of time to explain this but still I have something to say.
I'll post rest of things next posting.
Always, Thank you for playing!
Enjoy! Pixelo!
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